Atlantic Fisheries Reports

Fishery Reports Digital Archive

Below, researchers will find the full citation list of reports done by the Assemblies of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia between 1836 and 1867. Both provincial governments commissioned reports on the status, health, and maintenance of the Bay of Fundy fishery as a staple economy in the Atlantic Region until control over the fishery became part of the Dominion of Canada’s federal jurisdiction in 1867. Not all reports listed below were produced from the exclusive study of the fishery. For example, Perley’s 1842 report on Indigenous settlements in New Brunswick examined those communities, but placed particular emphasis on their use of food resources such as fish and eel.

Reports are organized chronologically by year of publication, the author of the report, and are labelled according to which province made the commission. All reports may be viewed on the website, but also have been made available in downloadable PDF format (and each PDF features a header with the original document’s citation in Chicago Manuel Style).


New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Reports, 1836-1867


The Reports

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